
Monday, October 21, 2013

An Invitation From The Dead

Halloween is only 10 days away and soon the hobgolins, spooks, witches, skeletons, vampires, werewolves, zombies, and other scary creatures will  be loosed onto the world.  A witches' ball will be held in Salem.  Ghost tours and haunted houses will be filled to capacity with thrill seekers.  Cemeteries will be guarded in order to prevent vandals from committing havoc.  Parties will be thrown and pumpkins will be carved for this highly anticipated day.

Yes, we love Halloween.  Or rather, we love our perception of Halloween.  But, what if we were to look at the purpose of this particular day.  Would we still love it or would we instill a feeling of fear concerning it?  There are several thoughts concerning the origin of this day.  Some adhere to the idea of Roman influence, Parentalia or the festival of the dead.  Others claim the Celtic influence of Samhain or the end of summer which brings forth the images of autumn or winter signifying death.  The Celts held feasts welcoming their dead kin to their table.  Yet, they would disguise themselves as well from the ghosts who wandered the countryside.

Christians would add to this as Pope Gregory III proclaimed November 1st to be All Saint's Day.  This gave October 31st the name of All Hallow's Eve which would soon be contracted into Halloween.  Hallowmas celebrated the deaths of the saints; and if you knew much about the Christian saints, many of the early ones suffered violent deaths.

Let's face it, Halloween is the day celebrated for thousands of years by hundreds of civilizations as a day for the dead and superstition.  Maybe it wasn't the same exact day, but you will find a day in almost every culture which looks at the dead.  The question is why?  Humanity seems to be in awe of death, but how many of us want to face it?  Or talk about it?  What is it about death which we glide over with laughing when in fact we fear it more than anything else in this world?  For that is really what it is all about if we admit to it.  Fear.  Fear of death or dying?  We go to horror movies to see death and cheer if someone lives.  We pretend to be dead if we dress as skeletons or ghosts.  We try to prove we can conquer death if we dress as vampires, zombies, or even werewolves.  We intimate influence over death when we dress as witches, mages, necromancers, or warlocks.

Yes, we fear death.  Yet, we love to be scared, but what would we do if the avatars of death we envision are real?  What if the ancients were right and the dead do walk among us?  After all, is it just on October 31st? Can you imagine the dead checking their calendars or smart phones and saying to one another, "It's time to dress and give the living something to be afraid of"?    Hmmmm.  I can see it now....I hope you can too.    The dead have an invitation for you......Happy Halloween and watch out for they are with us..........are you afraid?  As my one of my favorites on Star Wars said, "You will will be...."

Yoda, "The Empire Strikes Back", George Lucas.......

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