
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Country Girl and the Big Apple

About thirty years ago I lived with my mother and stepfather in Queens, New York.  It was a great place, three stories high.  The bottom floor was a walk-in.  It was where my stepfather's office was.  He was a general practitioner and loved his work.  He practiced medicine for over sixty years and this little office was his last place to be the neighborhood doctor.  Anyway, the bottom was his office.  You would walk in and see where the kitchen would have been, my mom's desk, for she was his receptionist, was right where you would put the table.  A door next to it connected to a room which was pretty good size.  Off to the right was a bathroom. straight ahead on the door to the left was Oscar's office.  The doorway to it's right was his examination room. Beyond the examining table was a sliding glass door which lead out to the small lawn and patio.  It was the perfect office for him and mom to care for and the neighbors kept him busy with all sorts of ailments.

The second floor was where mom and Oscar lived.  A cute walk-up with kitchen, dining area, living area, bathroom, and two bedrooms. Really nice and cozy and, of course, the living room held many tall bookcases filled with all of Oscar's books; of which I took advantage of.  From Charles Dickens to Mein Kompf, Oscar had all sorts of books.  He loved to read as much as I did and he would peer into his wondrous cases until he found one he thought I would enjoy and I did!  Mom always made sure this little home was comfortable and cozy and it definitely was a delight for me.  But, I didn't live in this area with them. Nope, I lived on the third floor and had the dream which many young people wished for.  An apartment in New York City.  Yeah, it was awesome!

Now, my place was laid out like the two previous floors, but believe it or not, I had more space than the folks did.  Good size kitchen with a gas stove and oven, a breakfast nook, dining room, huge living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom!  Talk about a great place to live!  Manhattan was only a train ride away.  Or if I wanted to go to Fifth Ave, it was a bus and train ride away.  Yeah!  The good old 7 line would take me straight in to Fifth Ave.  I loved it!  Being in the "City that never sleeps" was culture shock to a country girl, but I learned my way around fast.  I worked at Chase Manhattan Bank, and for six or eight weeks I had to go to training right next to the Empire State Building.  When I looked out of the office windows to the left, I watched the ebb and flow of traffic as it passed Macy's Department Store.  I spent a lot of time at Macy's and since I was there going through training during the holiday season, I was able to see and enjoy the preparations for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and to see the city deck itself out for Christmas.

To put it bluntly, I was as excited as a kid!  The big city, all the diverse people, Santa Claus' ringing bells on every corner, the scent of roasting chestnuts, Macy's, Lord and Taylor's on 5th Ave and all the other stores there who decorated their windows, the NYC Public Library with its lions.  I could go on and on and this is just around where I was training.  I was fascinated watching CBS and NBC set up for the parade and then removing it.  When I was getting close to finishing training, I did what every good child does....I saw Santa Claus.  After all, the real one is at Macy's, right Virginia?  He sure did look like the real one.  I should know, I saw the real Santa at the North Pole in New York, when I was there as a kid.  Even have a photo with him.  And no, do not tell me there isn't a Santa, I will just tell you there is, so get over it.  Anyway, I stood in this incredibly long line which wove all through one entire floor of the store, Finally, I saw him.  It was a dream come true.  Me and the Macy's Santa Claus.  The one and only.  YES!  Jackpot!  I fulfilled a child's dream.  It was heaven.  Then it was over with and the moment was gone; but it still lingers on in my mind's eye and it is a memory of joy for me.

Yes, living with mom and Oscar in New York City was a dream come true.  The country girl went to the big city and in doing so, left the country behind. I still love the countryside, but I adore the city.  So much to do and see.  To be a part of something so large and so diverse.  I loved my place.  I loved being with Mom and Oscar, seeing a whole new world with eyes that had been dimmed by illness.  It was the beginning of the new me.  The one who longed for so much more and who received it.  My blessings have been numerous and New York City is a huge part of me.  So go!  Explore!  Live!  And in between I'll tell you about my times there and well, the time I was a Gothic heroine....You just have to wait...for the journey is just beginning!

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