
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Step

The first step of any journey is the biggest. There are conflicting emotions at war. One of the worse is self-doubt. This one thought can bring an end to dreams and goals if it is taken as reality. Yet, the question which haunts those who have accepted it are several words. "What if... I should have...If only". By self-doubting the pioneer of a journey renders oneself to be limited in ability. The only way for this to happen is by condemning yourself. How does one overcome such condemnation? By asking the right questions. Look deeply at yourself...not at the restrictions society has placed on you. Ask yourself to be totally honest and then decide if a particular path is one you truly want to follow or better yet to blaze! Remember "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". This is how all journeys begin; one step in a multitude of directions. It's time to take a step it might be a little one, but to remain in one place is to become stagnant and finally dead to dreams and goals. Go one and take that first step like the baby who is learning to walk. You might fall down, but like that baby, push yourself up and keep taking those steps for a whole new world awaits to be discovered and live!

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