
Thursday, July 26, 2012

A New Life

There was an ice storm raging on the day I was born. A cold wintry February 1st, 1960. Dad had left to go and milk the cows and I made my appearance at 7:47 in the morning. A new life had entered the world;a life like many others - new, fresh, and dreaming of all sorts of things....especially food! Actually I have no idea what happened, just that I had surgury to remove a cyst. Sounds like a fun way to begin life. Soon I would have surgery again to fix an umbilical hernia. So began my life. With surgerys and illness. I was a happy baby, must sickly. Sometimes that's the way life is. It begins with challenges to overrcome immediately. The same is true with journeys. When we were trying to return to my hometown for my father's 75th birthday, we had to overcome a few obstacles. A hurricane had passed by and ripped the door off our washroom. First, had to buy a door. Second, learn how to put the new one up. Third, put up new door. Fourth, put up trimmings around door. That had to be done before leaving. I had no idea how it, and Rick was at work. One of my neighbors came over and showed me. I got it op and installed the door handle and lock! I'm still quite proud of it! Two days later we were on the way to New York. This may seem minor to many but for us; especially me, it was an obstacle to overcome. As when I was first born it was taken care of and is still standing today. My journey is filled with events which have been overcome and in doing this I have learned, grown, and understand that little obstacles can be just as debilitating as major ones. The lesson? Take one moment at a time and relax. There is only so much an individual can do. Quite often we need help. Don't be afraid to ask for it and don't be so proud that you font accept it. These are waysvto find different friends and to find new paths on the journey

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