
Sunday, July 29, 2012

The First and Nature

The First and Nature

Yvonne C Parizo

Dr. Catherine Griggs
Environment in American Thought
January 28, 2012

        Light was everywhere- it flowed, weaved, and wrapped around itself and then parted growing wider and longer as it moved. Within the light a bluish aura stretched and then rose as if from slumber. It shifted throughout the light – one moment here, then far across the ever flowing ocean of light. It focused on a spot and raising its arm blue flame surged from it and suddenly another silhouette was seen. This one rushed forth across the constantly expanding light; focusing here and there. Soon other forms milled about in the expanse and then all bolted to where the First had remained. “We are the beginning. This light is our essence from which we come. Go throughout this vastness and bring forth the whirling masses to life which will fill this space”. The silhouettes spread across the light, some filling it with smaller light and others were creating areas of darkness. They streamed across the expanse creating even smaller lights going around the larger ones; all moving around the figure of the First. The First smiled and nodded, “Good, you have given rise to stars and planets which we will seed with life. As each moves within the light it will be day and when in darkness, it will be night”.
     The forms leapt for joy and danced in celebration of their creations. The First flowed among them weaving them into a movement which brought them in front of a planet colored in blue and white which swirled together. The First hovered over this one with delight. “This is where we will sow our first seed for it is filled with the aura of my form”. The First placed a hand over one of the silhouettes closest. “Caeben, you are lord over the land. Go forth and create fertile soil for this world”. Caeben leapt with joy at the given name and duty. “I shall do as you say!” Caeben raced across the blue and white aura generating fertile soil for the world. Again, the First placed a hand over a form. “Nemir, you are lord of water. Spread your life giving power between the land Caeben has made”. Nemir soared forward, “By your word, I so do!”, and the water poured between the lands. Again and again the First place a hand over the shapes, giving each a name and a duty. There was Taur, Loth, Ioben to create trees, flowers, and plants; Aewen, Gwilwileth, and Thorpen to fill the skies, land, and water with birds and insects; Hal, Aras and Roch to give rise to animals from the fish in the water to the animals of the forests, and to the helpers animals in the dales. 
     Finally, the First covered the head of the Second; “You are Edwen Fael Ertho, for you are my second. You are generous and a uniter of our glory”. Edwen bowed humbly, “It is your will, I wish to please”. The First smiled, “I am Glaurphen Thand Idhren- a Golden Light with a Firm Heart and Wise. I am the First and together we are the builders of this expanse and worlds. I now place caretakers on Cae who will look after it while we continue our journey across the vastness, sowing more seeds in our wake. Behold is Oiriel my daughter”. Glaurphen turned to Edwen, “ It is for you to create the second”. Edwen hovered over the figure of Oriel which lay upon the grass of the dale. “You have made her in our image; I like it for they will know us and our joy when they look at each other”. Edwen raised a hand and proclaimed: “Behold, Cilon! Renewal will be your joy, for you will care for all that you see and keep Cae fertile and healthy”. Glaurphen nodded in approval and stretching a hand over both breathed to them: “Awake Oriel and Cilon! Arise and care for this world, we the Laspen have created for you”! Oriel and Cilon awoke as if from a deep sleep and rose to stand together before Glaurphen, Ednwen, and the rest of the Laspen. Glaurphen lifted and showed them the whole planet; then placed them on a land which was filled with life. “This we give to you and your descendants. Go, care, and explore the world, but do not exploit it for you will lose more than was given to you. You will lose us, our love, and protection. This is our gift to you and your line; life and this world for you to care for until we return to you again”. Oriel and Cilon watched as the Laspen rose slowly from their sight, disappearing into the darkness that lay beyond the light of their world. Then together they turned and began their life’s journey and duty on Cae……..
      Hence, the creation of Cae is told to the people. So, why did I write a creation myth? First, I wanted to see if I could and second, that is what this essay is concerned with; a look at the creation myths of the Native Americans and compare them to the Christian-Judeo creation myth. By writing the myth of Cae, I used the same modes of construction as did the tellers of the other myths. All myths are composed in a same basic way; there is a supernatural being or beings which bring about the creation; a certain order to when things were created with humanity normally being the last; and the position of humanity toward the possession or care of non- humans and/or nature. Thus, it is this view of humans regarding the world’s environment which is a major source of conflict between the Native Americans and the European followers of the Christian-Judeo belief who soon became the Americans. When the Native Americans first came in contact with the European settlers, there was definitely a difference in opinion concerning creation. For instance, in the Iroquois creation myth the creation is similar to the Christian myth; there isn’t a world or humans, animals, or plants. However, the myth separates completely with the introduction of the “Skypeople” (MacLeish, 19) who were the gods of the Iroquois and looked like them. Similar to the Christian myth it is a woman who does take something from a tree which is considered holy. In this myth, “her husband throws her from the skyland where they live; yet, as she plunges to the abyss below her the birds of the air rescue her and a great sea turtle rises from the ocean and she is placed on its back” (20). The myth continues with the creation of land, plants, and trees and the rest of the world. The woman is helped by the sea and air animals in doing this. Furthermore, the woman is pregnant and gives birth to a daughter which is completely different from the Christian myth. The woman and her daughter wander the earth naming everything and, when the daughter reached a certain age, she too became pregnant (perhaps by the West Wind god of the Sky People) giving birth to twin boys. The boys are complete opposites and like the Christian myth hatred by one toward the other rises. They begin fighting one another by creating opposite types of animals and so forth. By doing this, the brothers created a world of balance. However, their hatred towards each other grows in intensity. This results in a battle which brings about the death of one. However, here again a difference occurs for the Iroquois for they use the myth as a means of explaining the two sides of human, the day or night/ good or evil views. For the Iroquois the two brothers rule together the night/day and this is why humanity has both within them. Thus, for the Iroquois the world is a dominion of balance between all living things including the relationship between nature and humanity. T
     This is completely different from the Christian myth which places one god as the creator all on earth and the universe. Humans are the last to be made and are given domain over all the animals, birds, and fish, and over all nature. The Christian myth does incorporate the division between good and evil; but when the woman and man disobey god; they are cursed to “work the land” (Genesis 3:17-19). Furthermore, the woman is to be “ruled over by her husband” (3:16). With this man is given authority by god to rule over woman and nature. This is quite a contrast with the Iroquois myth and its balanced world and the Christian myth with its allowance of exploitation of the land through subjugation and dominion.
     Yet, it isn’t just the Iroquois and the Christian-Judeo myths which are different. There are disparities between Native American myths. The teachings of Black Elk provide an example at the differences between the Native Americans and the white man. Black Elk describes a vision where he is watching the events of his people in front of him: “They put the sacred stick into the center of the hoop and you could hear birds singing all kinds of songs by this flowering stick and the people and animals all rejoiced and hollered. The women were sending up their tremolos. The men said: “Behold it; from there we shall multiply, for it is the greatest of the greatest sticks.” This stick will take care of the people and as the same time it will multiply. We live under it like chickens under the wing. We live under the flowering stick like under the wing of a hen. Depending on the sacred stick we shall walk and it will be with us always. From this we will raise our children and under the flowering stick we will communicate with our relatives – beast and bird – as one people. This is the center of the life of the nation.” (DeMaille, ed., The Sixth Grandfather-- Black Elk's Teachings, 2-3) Here the people of the Sioux are being taught that they and nature are the same. There isn’t a difference between them for they are actual relatives to animals and birds.
     Plus, men and women are equal to one another for no one rules or dominates anyone or anything else. While the Iroquois does indicate a difference between men and women, the Sioux do not. The Iroquois do have balance within their myth; yet it is portrayed as good/evil; whereas, the Sioux portray a world of respect for all life and that it is to be honored. This teaching of Black Elk gives the purpose of all life to be for one another. It is not to be subjugated. It is not good or evil. Instead, it is intertwined with one another and is dependent on each link within its circle. Again, this is a foreign belief to the Christian-Judeo myth which gives man dominion over all including woman. The thought that the creation is interlinked with one another is not found within the myth. It is the subduing of nature which is promoted in the creation myth and it is this view which has brought conflict between the Native Americans and the white man. Even the Native Americans have differing views toward the roles of humanity and nature which have generated clashes, but most have the view that nature is to be treated with respect and cared for. This is in complete opposition to the creation myth of Christians-Judeo believers.
     However, as time has gone by, this viewpoint has changed among many Christians. There are many who believe that god wanted man to be a benevolent ruler who reigned his dominion with compassion and generosity. For there are many today who speak up about how “we have one world and we need to care for it”. Roderick Nash writes in his book, Wilderness and the American Mind, about the Primitivists who “believed that man’s happiness and wellbeing decreased in direct proportion to his degree of civilization. They idealized either contemporary cultures nearer to savagery or a previous age in which they believed all men led a simpler and better existence” (47). This brings about the ideals that humanity needed to be closer to nature rather than further removed from it. Even, Deists gave nature “special importance as the clearest medium through which God showed his power and excellency” (46). The white man was suddenly changing views about his connection to nature and the environment. Nature was a perfection of god who bestowed his generosity on humans by giving them the beauty, solace, and comfort of the wilderness for them to enjoy and to be closer to him.
     Hence, a change was occurring and is still continuing today as people reach out to nature in order to find peace in a world filled with constant motion and chaos. Thus, differing views regarding the world’s environment/nature have been and still are a major source of conflict between the Native Americans and the followers of the Christian-Judeo creation myth. There are more differences between the two than similarities. Even amongst the Native Americans there are disparities; yet, none are as significant as that between Native American creation myths and the Christian-Judeo myth. While the Native Americans regard nature as being a part of them or equal to them; the Christian myth conveys the domination of nature. It is this difference which generated the conflict between the two camps; yet, the Christian thought has been and still is changing as many see nature as the greatest work of god. Hopefully, this thought will continue to grow and bring a more thoughtful and respectful outlook to the Earth and the conflicts will come to an end as humanity realizes it must care for its world, and Americans learn to care and respect the country they took from the Native Americans. Just as Glaurphen instructed Oriel and Cilon to care for Cae for there is much more to lose….We lose our world…

Work Cited
“Black Elk’s Teaching”. /pel/Environment _directed/grandfather.pdf. 2012. MacLeish,Willam. "A Whimsical View of the Indian World in 1492 ". .com/a/ 2012. Nash, Roderick. Wilderness and the American Mind. 4th ed. New Haven. Yale University Press. 2001. Parizo, Yvonne C. “The Creation of Cae”. 2012. Quest Study Bible. “Genesis: 1-3. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. 2009.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic Journeys

Last night was the opening ceremonies for the 2012 London Summer Olympics. It was a wonderful and creative look at the British Isles. A very musical and reflective view which caught the world's attention. Today, Saturday, July 28, 2012 comments are flying all over the Internet about it and about events being performed by the athletes. The sad part about some of the comments are how they degrade and ridicule the opening ceremonies. Why must people constantly put down? Or is it as one Brit thought and I am paraphrasing, "the Yanks aren't intellectual enough for our thoughts ". Maybe he is So what does this have to do with Olympic Journeys? An Olympic journey begins with wonder and creativity. How many families have shouldered financial, emotional, and/or other burdens in order to help a member achieve the dream of participating in the Olympics. It is a journey formed from hopes, dreams, and sacrifice. That's right, sacrifice. The athlete sacrifices time and events in order to practice and participate in competition. They work hard at doing what for most of us is impossible, they work to be perfect. They do this even though we the audience critique them harshly quite often. Even though we are unable to do what they do. The Olympians shoulder all this harshness and all the complements of which they must decide are real or fake. Yet, they are our hero's/heroines for they reach heights in athletic competition must of us only dream of. Thank you to all the Olympians of all countries and whether you win or not. Your Olympic journey provides the rest of us with the hope and knowledge that we too can create our own journeys beginning with wonder, creativity, sacrifice, and as Johnny Horton just told his teammates on the US men's gymnastic team; "stay humble ". The opening ceremonies was that. All of it, including being humble. Time to stop ridiculing. And begin being humble.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A New Life

There was an ice storm raging on the day I was born. A cold wintry February 1st, 1960. Dad had left to go and milk the cows and I made my appearance at 7:47 in the morning. A new life had entered the world;a life like many others - new, fresh, and dreaming of all sorts of things....especially food! Actually I have no idea what happened, just that I had surgury to remove a cyst. Sounds like a fun way to begin life. Soon I would have surgery again to fix an umbilical hernia. So began my life. With surgerys and illness. I was a happy baby, must sickly. Sometimes that's the way life is. It begins with challenges to overrcome immediately. The same is true with journeys. When we were trying to return to my hometown for my father's 75th birthday, we had to overcome a few obstacles. A hurricane had passed by and ripped the door off our washroom. First, had to buy a door. Second, learn how to put the new one up. Third, put up new door. Fourth, put up trimmings around door. That had to be done before leaving. I had no idea how it, and Rick was at work. One of my neighbors came over and showed me. I got it op and installed the door handle and lock! I'm still quite proud of it! Two days later we were on the way to New York. This may seem minor to many but for us; especially me, it was an obstacle to overcome. As when I was first born it was taken care of and is still standing today. My journey is filled with events which have been overcome and in doing this I have learned, grown, and understand that little obstacles can be just as debilitating as major ones. The lesson? Take one moment at a time and relax. There is only so much an individual can do. Quite often we need help. Don't be afraid to ask for it and don't be so proud that you font accept it. These are waysvto find different friends and to find new paths on the journey

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Step

The first step of any journey is the biggest. There are conflicting emotions at war. One of the worse is self-doubt. This one thought can bring an end to dreams and goals if it is taken as reality. Yet, the question which haunts those who have accepted it are several words. "What if... I should have...If only". By self-doubting the pioneer of a journey renders oneself to be limited in ability. The only way for this to happen is by condemning yourself. How does one overcome such condemnation? By asking the right questions. Look deeply at yourself...not at the restrictions society has placed on you. Ask yourself to be totally honest and then decide if a particular path is one you truly want to follow or better yet to blaze! Remember "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". This is how all journeys begin; one step in a multitude of directions. It's time to take a step it might be a little one, but to remain in one place is to become stagnant and finally dead to dreams and goals. Go one and take that first step like the baby who is learning to walk. You might fall down, but like that baby, push yourself up and keep taking those steps for a whole new world awaits to be discovered and live!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Hobbit's Beginning!

He used often to say there was only one Road; that it was like a great river: it's springs were at every doorstep and every path was it's tributary. "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to."
The Lord of the Rings
Frodo about his uncle Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 'Three is Company'.


Every journey starts somewhere.  Whether it is leaving one's home; being born; or just picking up a book.  The journey may be short or long.  It can be ongoing or ends abruptly.  The one important element of the journey is that it begins.  That is what this is all about.  The tale of my journey and the journeys of many others, for my own journey is just one look at my life and the trails I have traveled in it.  For as my journey began it was interwoven with the quests of others which helped formulate who I am.  With each interaction a new path was discovered creating a road containing many side roads, hills, valleys, bridges, and connections to other byways and highways.  Through these pathways, challenges, obstacles, and yes, enjoyments and victories were and are found.  And now, the a new journey is beginning.  Enjoy the moment and Godspeed the journey!