
Monday, December 19, 2022

Santa’s Bells

 It’s that time of the year again; when people are celebrating the holidays or not in some cases.  Yet, this time is generally filled with good will, joy, and stress.  For some reason stress, anxiety, depression, anger, and sadness are at seasonal highs.  Too much worry, too much busyness, too little fun and caring.   I’ve heard too many say that Christmas is ruined this year due to illness, no money, no hope.  To tell the truth, I’ve been feeling the same way.  Christmas just doesn’t feel like it should.  Then the memories in my mind, begin to flip back.  Back through the Christmas’ of times past, until it stops on one special memory Christmas Eve, 1967.

Now I was seven years old that year.  It was a cold snowy Christmas Eve, at least it is in my childhood memory.  Dad and Ivan were doing the evening milking.  Mom was in the kitchen fixing beef stew and hot buttery biscuits.  Dawn was helping her and putting Christmas music on the record player.  The joyful strands of music filled the house.  Then as one album finished, I begged her to play my new .45 record of the most awesome Christmas song ever!  She finally relented and put it on!  In my imagination I was a special puppy who was flying around a cold Christmas Eve, looking for enemy!  The fighter pilot had me in his sights!  Then the Christmas bells began ringing!  Alas, Dawn caught me as I was flying around and forced me to sit in my chair at the dinner table!  

Dad and Ivan were in the kitchen, washing up; Mom brought the stew and biscuits to the table, and put some stew in my bowl, with a biscuit, butter, and honey .  Soon we were all gathered at the table.  This delicious meal being devoured by all.  Laughter, jokes, and conversations rounded out our meal.  Then, dinner finished we were in the living room.  The brightly colored Christmas lights on the tree lit the whole room.  The shows on television were all Christmas ones.  Again Christmas music filled the house along with laughter.  Mom called to me to come to the kitchen.  There I placed several Christmas cookies on a plate.  I carried it carefully to a small table, by the tree.  My tongue out the side of my mouth as I concentrated on this duty. With that placed, I ran back out to the kitchen, where a glass of root beer awaited me to carry to the plate of cookies.  Finally, I finished the important duty in making sure Santa Claus would have a snack from us all.  

With this accomplished, up the stairs I went, for it was beyond my bedtime.  I had to get to sleep or Santa wouldn’t come!  Now, let’s face it telling a child only made sure it wouldn’t go to sleep!  Especially, if I was that child!  I tossed and turned, suddenly I must have fallen asleep; for I was awakened by a sound.  A sound from outside.  What is it t?  I tilted my head to one side listening as hard as I could.  There it is!!!! Jingle, jingle, jingle…. What?  It’s Santa!  I flew out of my bed and knelt by the window at the top of the stairs.  Peeking out , I heard the jingle bells again!  Jingle, jingle , jingle…. Where was he?  I couldn’t see him!  Jingle, jingle, jingle….thump!  I stood up and stared at the ceilings, then knelt by the window again.  

Now, Ivan suddenly appeared beside: “What are you doing up, Vonnie?”

“I heard Santa’s sleigh bells!  I think he’s on the roof!”

“Really?” Ivan asked.  If he’s here he won’t come in if you’re still awake “.

“Oh gosh! I gotta get to sleep “!

“You sure do!Come on, I’ll put you in bed!”

So, Ivan got me settled down into bed and somehow he got me to sleep.  I didn’t hear Santa leave, but Dawn woke me up saying: “Come on!  It’s Christmas!”

Ivan was waiting in the hallway and down the stairs we trooped, me bringing up the rear.  Dawn opened the stair door, and there it was.  The tree all lit up, presents around the tree.  Our stockings laid out, full of things and bottles of grape juice for us all!  Oh it was a wonderful Christmas!  I got a dump truck, a tractor and a wagon… oh and paper dolls.  It was the Best Christmas ever.  Santa ate the cookies and drank the root beer!

Just before Dad and Ivan went to do the morning milking I gave Ivan a big hug!  “Thank you for getting me back to bed!”

He just grinned back “ you’re welcome Vonnie”!

Ah, such a delightful memory from the past.  A time when simple pleasures and time spent with those we love are the most important part of Christmas.  I’ve told this story to Richard and Mandi.  Mandi always laughs and says “Momma, Uncle Ivan ran around the house shaking bells so you would hear it”!

I solemnly search her eyes and say to her; “You gotta BELIEVE in the magic of Christmas to hear the bells “.  Richard nods his head.  Mandi went through a dark time where she didn’t hear the bells, then suddenly, one Christmas Eve, she heard the bells again and still does.  But that’s another story…When times are rough, the pantry seems empty, illness takes our strength, This is when our Belief is needed the most. Cherish every moment you have with loved ones and most important, BELIEVE.

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