
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A Special Time In A Dream

 Just wanted to share something that was amazing.  Last night I dreamt that I was taking Richard Parizo, Amanda Parizo,and Gemma Melody to my Gramp and Gram Peak’s house .  It looked just like when they lived there.  Yellow house with green trim.  We walked past the house to the red barn Gramp used as a garage.  There was a sale going on and people were milling around looking at everything for sale.  We joined the crowd and suddenly there he stood.  “Vonnie! “ “Gramp!”  I ran to him and we hugged each other.  I can still feel his arms around me.  He wiped the tears from my eyes and just held me.  Finally, I looked at Mandi and Gemma saying “This is your Great Grandpa, Ivan Peak!”  I turned around to introduce Richard but he was hugging someone else.  “Dawn?  Dawn!”  And I was hugging her!  I could feel her hug, smell the perfume she always wore.  She turned me and there was Dad and Gram!  I was so happy and filled with joy.  Then as dreams do it slowly faded and I awoke still feeling their arms and love.  I still miss them all, but not as much as before.  I think I may have been given a wonderful gift of seeing and talking to them one more time.

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