
Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Once in a while you read a novel which some would consider entertaining, pure science fiction, or simply light (fun) reading; however, you find it to be filled with vision, an exploration of possibilities, and a chance for discussion with others about "what if". Jeremy Robinson brought these last three to life for me in his new novel, XOM-B. It might be considered just another zombie book, but believe me, it isn't. Robinson has taken the idea of zombies to a whole new level which personally, I feel rivals Isaac Asimov's, I, Robot. This is not just a zombie apocalypse, it's a look at human flaws and frailties; the confrontations and terminations of authoritarians by the masses; and the creation and evolution of all beings. This in turn poses the question of how to continue to grow and expand one's species when so many have become stagnant or lost in hopelessness. This IS a fun read. It is filled with action, adventure, mystery, and of course, zombies. You will enjoy it especially as the protagonist, Freeman, discovers his own way in a society which is rigid and unfeeling. XOM-B is just so much more than zombies and you may find yourself asking the same questions and answering them just as Freeman does. The characters are wonderful, full, and you too, will be awakened as you become Freeman fighting against a path leading to destruction of humanity or is it? Enjoy and be prepared for it is one heck of a Hover-cycle ride!

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