
Friday, April 18, 2014

Draven.....The Renaissance Of Chimera

She smiled as she sat down and grabbed the controller to her PS4.  This new game was going to be a lot of fun.  She'd read all the reviews, watched all the trailers, and now, was anticipating the play.  The games opening credits filled the screen of her tv and she began an adventure which would take her to new heights in gaming.

Draven came to along the banks of a river.  He lifted his head, looking around in confusion.  "Where am I?" He mumbles.  He tries to rise, but collapses again, as his vision fades the legs and feet of a girl and man come into focus, then darkness.

"Who'd ya think he is?"
"I know not, but he's been given a great many blows."
"Think he'll live, da?'
"Strange things have happen'd afore.  Time will tell, Ragni.  Try ta give'm some more broth.  T'will help bring 'em back ta life".
"I wonder who he is'?
Maybe, gurl, ya should wonder who he was".

Dreams filled his mind.  Pain filled his body.  Slowly, he became aware of light and the taste of broth being spooned into his mouth.  He felt a wet cloth float across his body and the touch of human hands rinsing his wounds and cleaning him.  He had no clue how long the darkness held him.  He reached a point where he found himself floating.  He looked down and saw his body, being cared for by a girl and a man.  They didn't have much, he could tell, by looking around at their home, but they were doing all they could for him.  He wondered at that.  "Why do they care"?  Then in a flash he was back within the confines of his shell.  The pain was almost gone and his wounds were mostly healed.  He opened his eyes and for the first time looked into the faces of his saviors.

"DA!  He's waken"!
"Aye, he has Ragni.  Now slow down the'r, lad.  Ya'v be'en out of it fer quite sum time"
Draven looked from one to the other, confusion filling his mind as he tried to understand them and where he was.  He tried to speak, but all that came out was a rasp which even he could not understand.

"Bring sum of me drink, Ragni.  Then git sum more broth, with sum bread".
"Ta, Da.  Here it tis."
Now, lad, I'm goin" to lift ya up a bit.  T'may hurt".

Draven nodded weakly and felt the man's arm go round his back.  The man slowly raised Draven and leaned him onto the wall.  Draven gritted his teeth as pain shot through him, sharp and quick to the bone.  Darkness threatened to overcome him again, but this time he fought against.  A wave of nausea swept through him, then the man brought a cup to his mouth and he tasted the warm fire of hardened apples and lingonberry cider flooding through his senses.  He drank greedily, the way a man does when he's not had anything in awhile.  But his caregiver only allowed him a little bit, then removed the cup from him.  Draven raised his arm weakly to bring the drink back, but the man chuckled, "Na, lad. Too much too soon will make ya sick'r than ya wan't ta be.  Here's a bit of broth and sum bread that's be'en soak'd in it. It'll help ya git back on ya feet".  Slow now.  Not ta fast"!

Draven listened to his words and nodded at the wisdom, but he truly wanted to eat more.  The girl moved to bring more, but the man waved her off.  "Na, Ragni.  He's had e'nuff fer now.  Lat'r we'll giv'em more".
Ragni nodded and Draven drifted off to first sleep he'd had in while in comfort.

Days, turned into weeks, weeks into months. Finally, Draven was up, walking, and helping the man.  "Magnulf!"  Draven called.  "Over here",
Magnulf followed the sound of Draven's voice and knelt beside him.  "Aye, good sight.  Ya'v becum a good seer of herbs, young Draven".
"All thanks to your tutelege, Magnulf".  Draven grinned over at the small man.  Once Draven was able to walk, Magnulf had begun teaching him the ways of Albertus Magnus.  Knowledge of plants, herbs, and their healing properties were Magnulf's

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