
Monday, February 17, 2014

It's Presidents' Day!

Hey!  Guess what!  It's Presidents' Day!  The
 annual celebration to honor all of the Presidents of the United States.  Now when I was a child (a very long time ago) we actually celebrated only Abraham Lincoln (on his birthday) and George Washington (on his birthday).  We had two federal holidays off in the month of February.  Then that all came to an end when Congress brought the two presidents' birthdays together and included all the other ones on this one day of celebration and remembrance.  Awesome!  But we lost one day off and have you have noticed that people don't even know what the holiday is for?

That's right!  Ignorance reigns supreme in this country at times!  Okay, I know I am being very cynical and sarcastic, but I have a reason for it.  You see, a number of years ago one of the local news channels went out among the people and asked them if they knew what day it was.  They interviewed a large number of people across the scope and parameters of class, age, sex, racial, whatever.  Do you know that none of those individuals interviewed had no idea what the day was, and when told actually asked "what is that'?  Oh yeah, a very, shall we say bluntly sad and ignorant look at our fellow citizens.

Now, I have known people who can rattle off about Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  A large quantity are not complimentary about it, however, they know what it is.  If you ask them about Presidents' Day, they have no idea or go off bitching about the president in power right now.  After all, in today's way of thinking, if one doesn't know what it is, blame it on Obama.  Really, just how small and uneducated have we become.  Or is it the need by some to funnel all their hatred, bigotry, and fear at the one individual who they hold accountable for all the problems in the country?  Who knows, but enough of that.  It is a day of celebration and honoring the "men" who have led our country.

Men, like, John Adams, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and others who have dealt with conflicts either within the country or in the world.  These men thought about the impact of their decisions on the people as a whole and though, they may have brought forth unpopular ideas, these men stood by their convictions that this country could and would strive to be more than just a people of limited views.  They knew the people would (in time) declare their diversity and acceptance of such as being the driving force of the nation.

Along with these men were Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, Dwight D. Eisenhower, George Washington, who were the military leaders leading the soldiers, sailors, marines, coast guardsmen, and air force into battles.  Battles which cost untold death and heroic deeds, yet, discovery of the rugged solidarity of the troops as they fought to save their country from the ruinous wanton destruction of freedom and democracy.  They moved from the battlefield to the presidential field and worked at securing the solidarity and inclusion of all Americans.  They did this in their own way and manner, some not as well as other, but how many of us can say we do the least they did when compared to the most they did?

We have had great presidents and really bad ones.  We have had those who worked for the common goal of all and those who worked for their party.  We have had tall, short, heavy, lean, woodsmen, city, lawyers, gay, straight, bi-, cultural, redneck, white, bi-racial, explorers, educators, religious, nonreligious, heroes, gallants, and well, just about everything you can think of to put a label on.  And let's face it, when the men became incapacitated for awhile, their wives were known to take control.  Eleanor Roosevelt being the most well known and Nancy Reagan being another one.  Hopefully, a woman will become the next president of the United States to end this atrocity of sexism; however,  women may not have had the title legally, but they did and have done a great deal of the work for and with their husbands, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and brothers.

So, here's to Presidents' Day!  Celebrate, honor, and cherish the Presidents of this nation.  Better yet, read about one of them and learn what they did.  Happy Presidents' Day!  Enjoy the day and live the dream they gave us by being Americans who see past political parties, conflicts, and complaining, and become the nation of diversity which we are!

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