
Sunday, February 16, 2014

As the Night Broaches

Watching the sun as it dips to the horizon
Searching for a sign to change my mind
The gulls scream as they fly across the sky
As though they too, are tired of the same old grind.

Through the beams of setting sun
Colours of orange, red, yellow, and flame burst forth.
A signal of favor upon the seas of the next day
Send a memory from the past of the North.

The reminisce solves the dilemma
For it brings the thoughts to rest
Life is too short to engage in old miseries
Of which the past has often wrest.

Nay, the present is filled with beauty
Upon the joys of love and truth
With the ones who challenge not in haste
But challenge with instincts of the sleuth.

Who brings forth discoveries
Of one's own gifts
Whom others had deadened
With disparaging remarks leading to the widening rift.

Yet, here as the night broaches
Inspiration is found embolden
By those who bring encouragement
but do not allow them to be beholden.

The gulls continue their screech
The sun has past
The moon arises
A smile is cast

A new dawn will be soon
Life renewed has begun
Stars twinkle from the heavenly loft
Now has at last won.


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