
Monday, August 9, 2021

Long haired Men

 I loved my Gramp Peak, but he did have his prejudices as we all do.  This reminds me of an occasion where he let loose his view on long haired boys/men in the 1960s.  He was watching the news and was riled up about the “rioting long haired college boys who needed to get their hair cut and go fight in Nam!”

Now Gramp learned something that day about spouting off in front of a child while not paying attention to something he and Gram had hanging right above their tv.

You see I stayed with them a great deal when I was sick and this particular day I was there.  I was sitting in the big chair in the tv room.  I wasn’t really paying too much attention to the tv.  You see Gramp and Gram had this cool lighted frame which if you looked at it one way had the famous artwork of Jesus.  When you switched to the right side, the artwork changed and became The Last Supper.  I was happily moving back and forth to watch the pictures change when Gramp ( irritated) declared his thoughts on long haired men.  Gram was sitting in her rocking chair and basically just looked at him.  

Me, I’m staring at the pictures of the men in the Last Supper and Jesus when I turned and looked at Gramp.  Pointing at the picture I said to him, “But Grampy, Jesus had long hair!”

You could hear Gram trying to stifle snickers while Gramp looked between me and her.  Finally, he got up left the room and went out the back door.

“Grammy, did I say something wrong?”

No, Vonnie, you didn’t.  You just reminded your Gramp of something.  Now go back to playing.”

Which I did.  

I love and miss those two a great deal…

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