
Monday, April 6, 2015

Just a little fun.....

She stepped out of the car and stared at the scene in front of her.  A winter wonderland tableau held her captive as though it had just been created for her.  The tree lined drive ended in front of a three story Contemporary architectural house.  Its smooth lines and walls curved away from the central entryway impressing an illusion of rounded hills and curved valleys which the house was surrounded by.  It seemed as though the house was a natural protrusion from the natural world around it.  The fieldstone covering the exterior walls contained large expansive windows creating a vision of openness and freedom. The central entryway was framed with lanterns whose soft glow in the early evening displayed the dancing of snowflakes in its wake.

She smiled at the sight and sighed.  "Finally, my own place to relax at".  Stepping back in the car, she pulled into the drive.  She pressed a button and a garage door slid open as she turned the vehicle down a ramp that led under the house.  As she passed through, the door closed silently behind her and lights flipped on in the garage.  Rolling to a stop, she turned off the car, and grabbed her purse from the floor.  She smiled as two of her companions waited impatiently to be released and three others began yowling at the sudden stop of music and movement.  "Okay, Bella and Booker, out you go.  The small female German Shepherd bounded out of the vehicle with the young Black Labrador Retriever right behind her.  As they unleashed their pent up energy chasing one another around the four vehicle underground garage, the three cats increased their caterwauling in volume and tone.  "Alright you three, just give me a couple of minutes".  She pulled their traveling carriers out of the back seat and walked over to the elevator which led to the upper floors of the house.  Placing two of the carriers on the floor, she headed back to the car for the third one who was screaming his dislike at having been left behind.  "Mikael, I'm right here".  She dragged his carrier out and headed back to the elevator.  "Bella!  Booker!  Come here!"  The two dogs stopped their playing, looked at her, and went back to their business of chasing one another.
"Do you want your treats?"  She asked.  The two stopped again, both cocking their heads at her.  Bella, with her right ear bent down and a smile on her face stepped toward the woman.  Booker, loped behind, his mouth nipping at Bella's tail trying to get some more play time in.  "Come here"! She called again and led the two pups, plus the spitting Mikael into the elevator.  As the door closed behind them, Bella went into a guarding stance staring at the door.  Booker imitated her and let a low growl loose.  "It's okay you two.  You will get use to this".  Both looked up at her, wagged their tails, but did not move from their guarding positions.

The door opened and she led the pups into a hallway which led to another door.  At this one she entered a code which unlocked the door and disarmed the alarm.  "There you go". She told the two who promptly lowered their noses to the floor and began sniffing the area around them.  She went back down the hallway to where the cats were screaming in chorus and brought them into room with the dogs.  Opening the latch to each carrier, she left the cats to come out on their own, for as usual the minute the carriers were open and they could get out, they naturally moved to the back of it and yowled some more.    She sighed and headed back to the elevator. "One good thing, at least the lights turned on when I unlocked the door, so we can all see in here.  I'll be right back!"

Back at the car, she opened the trunk and began pulling luggage out and piling it into the elevator.  Then she grabbed two pans from the back seat and chuckled.  "The cats will definitely want these."  Next to the pans went cat litter, cat food, and dog food.  Finally, the car was empty of everything she had packed in it and she was busy stowing away different items in the kitchen. The dogs came running into the room and Booker slid across the floor as he tried to slow down.  Bella came to a stop beside her mistress, cocking her head to the side with her tongue hanging out sideways from her mouth. Booker finally stopped as he slid into the wall, bounced off, and came toward Bella with his tongue lolling out as well.  The woman shook her head at them and laughed.  "You two are hilarious!  Your food bowl is here and the water dish is right beside it".  Both dogs barked happily and as Bella dug into the food, Booker lapped at the water.  Then they traded places.

Still chuckling at the antics of the pups, she put away the food she had bought in the last city she had gone through. She wasn't hungry yet; and decided she wanted to explore the rest of her new home.  She had sent the rest of her luggage up to the third floor which still awaited her attention, but as for now it was time to see her vision come to life.

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