
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sharing Your Journey and Story

I hope you have all been enjoying this blog lately.  I wanted to share the great literature we have and to have you with me on my journey of reading it.  Plus, the stories are all about various types of journeys as well.  You see, everything and everyone we come in contact with is a part of a journey and a story we write about ourselves.  No matter whose journey it is, a story is found within that individual's life.  Most do not think their lives are worth writing about or sharing- and that's a shame.  Everyone's life is worth so much more than just monetary value.  Life itself is priceless, and all too soon it is taken away, without anyone thinking much about it.

I have found so many different people with wonderful tales to tell, if only someone would listen to them.  They are tales from men fighting in wars to women fighting for rights.  They are simple stories of family members and memories, as well as complex emotional tragedies which has ripped away the heart of an individual.  These tales and journeys are such a part of our lives that we think no one would care, but the truth is we do care.  We want to hear and share, but the question becomes how do I share?

Simple, put aside the thought of what people might think.  Forget about how others may criticize, they'll do that anyway.  Put your mind to the idea that you are full of worth and interest.  Begin at the beginning or the middle, or the ending if you wish and just tell your story.  Speak of your journey through life.  Take the time to share this with your children, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, what ever!

You're probably wondering what soap box I'm on now.  Hear we go again....You see, I once heard an author say he didn't write stories with a message.  He said "He wrote to entertain people".  My question then becomes this:  How can you write a tale without some basis of a message in it?  A part of the author exists in every word she/he has written.  There is always a moral thought, or indoctrinated viewpoint within the context of the tale.  So, guess what?  No way, can anyone just write for pure entertainment!  And that is where the self worth and self-value comes to play.  By telling, writing, sharing a story one becomes a part of it and it becomes a part of you.  This is where the journey and the story merge together and bring us entertainment.  The imagination and the dreams, aspirations, and experiences we have all endured are the story.

So, tell a story.  Write it!  Change names.  Make it a fantasy, sci fi, mystery, romance, western, fiction, whatever!  Talk about your journey and share it!  You just might inspire someone else!    Oh, and yeah, I'm going to continue with the short stories, poems, plays, novellas, etc.  Hope you like them and I hope you share your own tales as well!


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