
Friday, September 20, 2013

The Time is Nigh!

You know it feels great when you make a decision and realize that it is the right one.  Others may say no and constantly beret you about it; but the reality is, it's your life and you are the one who must live it.  After all, did you tell them how to live their lives? Or did you say:  "Go for it!" Work toward your dream".  This latter view is the one I hope I convey to those who tell me their dreams.  If we were to follow what everyone else said we must do, then there would be no actors/actresses, writers, artists, photographers, landscapers, poets, astronauts, archaeologists, anthropologists, scientists, historians, environmentalists; shall I continue?  We all have dreams and desires which we wish to follow, but so many have been beaten down by "others" who can only see dollar signs and/or what they perceive as "normal".

If all the people in the world listened to these naysayers, we would be surrounded by medical or business people. Sounds like fun, huh?  Now, don't get me wrong. If you are in the medical or business fields for this was your dream then I say "Go for it and enjoy!", but that is not what I want.  Nope, been in the business/ financial world and I discovered I could not stand it!  I know, I know, I was good at it; could have made a great career our of it.  There was one thing missing.... I hated it!  I always want to help or teach people.  In business it's cut throat.  There is only one goal to achieve which is power.  By power I mean financial and social status.  This type of power is the aspiration of the business world.  Profit is everything!  Meaningful isn't it?  For some it is, for those whose ideals are like mine, no, it isn't.  It's discouraging and counter to one's own self image.

So, here we stand.  the business world with it's somewhat indication of power vs the dream.  Guess what?  I'm going after the dream.  I might not attain it, but I have to go for it!  It's going to be rough with a great deal of hard work.  It means suffering and struggling, but it can be accomplished!  It means going against the norm; but I've done that all my life.  I guess I never did like the norm which felt boring to me.  Yes, the time is nigh!  The die is cast!  The goal is within reach to those who work for it.  My favorite saying:  "Seize the day"! is now in place.  Time to go down the path "less traveled by" (Frost, The Road Not Taken) and break from the naysayers and join those who never look back.  Instead, time for forward motion and live the dream!  The time is nigh!

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