
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gun Control, The 2nd Amendment, and Fear

The past week has been one filled with horror, chaos, accusations, diligence, cooperation,dismay,relief, insecurity,and the most notable- fear. Yes, fear. This one emotional is the catalyst of all the other actions and feelings I just listed. The week began with the heinous bombing at the Boston Marathon. We saw it occur over and over again as news media and videos flooded the air waves of television and internet. We gathered, called, texted, e-mailed, and reached out to one another as we became embroiled in the ensuing chaos. We wanted to understand and filled our minds with all the information we could, but it wasn't enough. Yet, it was enough to create one thing. The bombing did its job, it created fear. Fear, an emotional range which can cripple and destroy the very fabric of life. If we let it. The bombing was more than horrifying, it was cowardly and a means to establish a foothold of terror in our mentality. It was also an event which occurred right before an important vote in the United States Senate on gun control. Oh we could have fun with all the different views and aspects of the vote, but the truth of the matter is that this bill was brought forth as a means of fear. "What? You're saying? Have you lost it?" No, I haven't. I found it instead. Go back to Sandy Hook,too many young children were a young man. Go back to Colorado. Too many Batman fans killed in a movie a young man. Go back to Colorado, too many people killed and wounded at a political a young man. Virginia Tech..students and professors a young man. Want me to continue? I hope not, it just gets more and more bloody. People, young, old,professional, blue collar. All victims of violence, terror, and fear. The fear hangs on and each time one of these infamous murders occurs, we react, we blame, we scream, we argue,...but we don't do anything about it. The Boston Marathon bombing, two young men . The only difference between them and these others is they used bombs. The others used guns/rifles. Then as the net tightened around the two young men, they too, resorted to w guns/rifles. However, as gun advocates say guns do not kill people. People do and they are right. It is similar to saying cars kill people. This is where my own personal quandary begins. Although, I believe in gun reform, do I have the right to push my belief on the rights of others. You see for me the real issue bears down on the 1st and 2nd Amendments. The 2nd Amendment was passed and accepted by the American forefathers for a reason. A really good reason too. I may wish for gun control, but the truth is we cannot legislate laws concerning guns. Why? Simple the moment we circumvent or Bill of Rights, we lose. How soon before the 1st Amendment is attacked? It already has been many many times. How soon before a state religion is recognized? Just a month ago that was brought up and defeated in the state of North Carolina. This is why I must defend the right guaranteed in the 2nd Amendment to bear arms. We must make sure we do not give in to fear and dispose of our rights. Instead, we need to evaluate and respond to the real issue at hand. Not the how these horrific events happened, but why. Notice anything in common about the events...yeah young men committed them. Using automatic and semiautomatic weapons. The question remains why? This is the most important question. Once we know that answer then we can begin doing. Not condemning. Not blaming. But answering and doing to stop these senseless acts. Actually if we really want to blame someone we need only look to ourselves. Please understand I am not just focusing on young men either. We need to know and understand why anyone snaps and commits violence. We need to look at ourselves and our society. We need to understand and educate. I grew up around hunting rifles and shotguns, but I was taught by my parents to respect not only weapons but life. I have many family members who want their right to bear arms; as badly as I want to keep my rights. They too, have been taught the same respect as I was. What are we teaching individuals now? The one with the gun has the power? Is this a true thought being indoctrinated into individuals? Yes, I believe so. It's not the truth , but for some it would seem it. So when we blame video games, movies, television, the internet, and so on for the actions. I say No! We must accept the blame ourselves for the bullying, the hate, the anger, the suffering, the fear. We make decisions in what we say and do toward others. We refuse to research and find answers to mental health issues! We are the blame and we must take actions to stop th exe catastrophes not through fear, but through intelligence , cooperation, and respect. The Boston Marathon bombing is another heinous act of terrorism and so were all those other shootings. Will legislation stop it? Let's be honest, no it will not. If someone wants to do this, they will find a way and means. However, we can begin the process of curtailing and ending the events by changing our own views and learning to understand and prevent them from happening through research, education, and believe it or not compassion. I know many will not agree with me, but I will not let fear rule my life. As Franklin Delano Roosevelt said "We have nothing to fear; but fear itself".

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