
Monday, March 18, 2013

Passage of Time

Wow! It's been long time since I've written anything. A time filled with so many different occasions and moments which fill my days and life. A passage of time which will never return. - unless I relive it in memories. Yet, even then the events are not accurate. No. The memories are but shadows which flit and flutter through the recesses hidden within the passageways in my mine. They are perceptions of my beliefs and thoughts which fit my interpretation of the moments I experienced. That's right. Interpretation. Beliefs. Individual concepts. Or is it? Could these reflections be the result of cultural stimulus ;societal indoctrination; and/or chemical reactions? Yeah; sounds really inspiring when reducedto a molecular stage. Instead, the passage of time is a linear look at events which have taken place between two points in life. Yeah; a period filled with joys; tears; anger; angst, and love which fills my days of life. Time to return to the present and look at the looming future with eyes wide open and chemical reactions that are ready to interact! The time is nigh and moment is here...spring in and enjoy the ride!

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