
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Day in Time

What a day! Ever said that phrase? I have, many times. Usually when I've declared it, the day in question has been filled with problems, obstacles, and headaches or heartaches of all sorts. My thought today is why do we blame the day. Yeah; that's what I asked why do we blame the day? After all it is what I do and maybe you do as well. So let me rephrase it; why do I blame the day? What did the day do? Absolutely nothing but exist. A day is just a matter of time. The time which is lived in 24 hour blocks. I even reduce it to minutes and seconds for some events. So this thought is an acknowledgement that the problems and obstacles I have encountered are events I created myself. Wait they're my creations? Yepper! That day I got the speeding ticket.. my fault... I was speeding why; I was late. Why was I late, simple, the dogs got out and I had to catch them. How did the dogs get out? I I was takingthem out and droppeand dropped a mug of coffee. They ran out the door I had left opened and I was covered in coffee and a mess on the floor. Let's face it. I was a mess that day! Okay, so it was definitely my was also a hypothetical morning, but I just wanted to illustrate how things I blame ob others is actually my fault. After all it was dogs fault they got out, it was the cop's fault I got a ticket. The dogs yanked my arm and made me drop the coffee and mug. It's always someobne else's fault. The truth was all my fault. So today, I want to start doing something different. I want to accept responsibility for my all the events I create in my day. Yes, I did it. It's my time in,my day to face reality and the truth. Want to join me. After all what a day is nothing morethan a phrase and I want my day to be more than that. I want it to be an important aspect of my life. Have a great day and enjoy all the moments of the time we are given in life. Even if it means taking responsibility.

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