
Friday, August 15, 2014

Can't Wait For Autumn

A rainy Friday in the month of August.  It's the 15th of the month and the calendar in the kitchen still hasn't been changed.  Shows how often we look at it.  Either that or August feels just like July.  Long and hot.  Actually the hottest month is still waiting to come upon us.  September is only 16 days away.  School starts next week for the kids in our county and another festive time is arriving soon.  Summer time for me is boring.  Always has been, even when I was a child.  I couldn't wait for school to start.  Now as an adult, I can't wait for summer to end for with its ending autumn comes and nature's beauty is at full development.

I know many people who deliberate that these two seasons reflect the thought of middle/old age and/or death.  I understand why they believe it.  Many of the great writings and poetry of the past are filled with the romanticism of this concept.  They see only the loss of life as leaves fall and snow or cold crosses the land giving root to the idea of death.  It is a time filled with remorse and wishful thinking for spring to come and rebirth of the land.

That vision is not what I see of autumn and winter.  I see beauty and colors reflecting the growth of life from spring and summer.  The hues of red, yellow, orange, green, and brown as vegetables, fruits, and leaves cover the landscape as the harvest arrives and the joys of freshness and life are brought forth.  The fawns in the forest growing quickly to leap into life as bucks or does.  As are the other animals have grown to fill the world with their appreciation of the world around them.  Only humans seem to tremble at the advent of the coming winter.  The fear of their perceived death.

Nay, winter is not death.  Nor has it ever been.  It is a period of reflection.  A time of growth within the utter stillness in the world.  Or is it still?  Nope, The beasts of the land still roam, forage, and play.  The fruits of citrus fill the the states of Florida and California with aromatic smells as the oranges, lemons, grapefruits are picked throughout the winter.  Life continues and death is not a part of it.  It is a time of festivities and joy!  It is a time of colours and fun!  Autumn and Winter, the bright and beautiful seasons filled with laughter, play, and most importantly, life.

Enjoy the rest of August.  As for me, I await the delights of Autumn and Winter!

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